четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


August 28, at 5: Is the business architect responsible for describing the business architecture? Moreover the business analysts or the new "business architects" cannot do the job without a proper business and EA framework or experience in "architecture" which is not currently part of the business vocabulary. Because of the problem of two parallel phrases: That is the nature of functional seperation. We use cookies and other similar technologies Cookies to enhance your experience and to provide you with relevant content and ads. bizbok 2.1

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Business Architecture and Business Model Frameworks.

Taking a Careful Slice – Defining Business Architecture

Now on to "provides a common understanding of the organization" — I used three simple standard blueprint views today to explain to a roomful of solution, data and enterprise architects how a business worked. That level, the business level, meets the needs of different stakeholder groups multiple business viewpoints like strategy development, strategic alignment, process improvement, innovation management, and organizational development.

I should have used the word "information" both times. By Adrian Grigoriu on August 28, How does that role affect the definition?

I copied this definition into my deck and went on.

About Business Architecture, BizBOK and business architects - Enterprise Architecture Matters

It does not really matter who produces the business blueprint, as long as they know how to do it and the blueprint contributes to the greater EA. One of the four traditional domains of Enterprise Architecture.

One not bizbook on a specific domain but can challenge domain thinking for potential growth.

Business Architecture and Business Process Modeling. Forums with Input from Topic Experts.

What is the BIZBOK? > Business Analyst Community & Resources | Modern Analyst

Sometimes 2. stakeholders are employed by operational units, sometimes supporting units, sometimes product development, sometimes sales or marketing… whatever. You can change your settings at any time.

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The other three are: Isn't it also used to help to obtain a "at this moment in time" representative of the business to all who are part of the enterprise? Business Architecture Case Studies. August 27, at 4: August 28, at 5: An existing definition that serves as bizboo portion of the new definition; all definitions with the same genus are considered members of that genus.

Those artifacts are derived from the model of the enterprise the enterprise architecture which evolves as they go. Hi Adrian, The reason I like thi August 27, at 7: Common Approaches for Getting Started.

The Business Architecture Knowledgebase. Business Architecture and Business Performance Management.

What is the BIZBOK?

Many experts suggest and I agree that it does not make sense to develop the EA model as a standalone artifact, but rather to develop the parts of it that are needed to meet immediate concerns, use the model to meet those concerns, and move on to the next concern, building the enterprise architecture model as you go. Bizbik follow up with another blog post.

The definition may not perfect, but it has stood the test of time for a reason.

An EA discipline can be implemented anywhere in an organization, even outside of the model of enterprise architecture that has been adopted to actually manage and deliver the architecture of the enterprise where it exists.

But the business viewpoints are deeply integrated into the unified model of the enterprise, one that is not complete or effective without the viewpoints of the other domains.

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The business architecture is also drive solutions forward, both strategic and tactical perspective. Enterprise Architecture is accountable for creating a complete description of the enterprise, useful for many things.

But as long as EA means still EITA to too many, I can understand why the BA guild would want to evolve separately and eventually supply those business architects that can produce blueprints. Since ALL businesses are enterprises, but not all enterprises are businesses to whit: A generalist Business Architect could work well … one focused on the 21 and not the technical side. Or is there something to which EA should give more focus?

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