суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


Formed back in the late 90's by Praetor, Jhivago and Dribbler, Veritasaga began it's musical journey at a moment when the Romanian music industry was rather reluctant towards Hip-hop. In , Praetor leaves the country, and Dj Sonia becomes an official member of the group. This is the only thing that i still believe in after four years of foolish work. Veritasaga starts spending hundreds of hours in the studio, working on the new album, while inbetween attending numerous shows in Bucharest, Oradea, Timisoara, Constanta, Iasi, Piatra Neamt, Hunedoara, Craiova, Targoviste, Cluj. Despite the fact that it was an independent material, and sustained only by a listen and pass it on-type promotion, the album generated an impressive buzz and caught the attention of a large number of people. One of the surprises and controversies of the album is the presence of Praetor who, contrary to the rumours, has not left the group when he left Romania. veritasaga zboara

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Top Tracks Add All to Playlist. InVeritasaga became one of the first groups affiliated with indie Hip-hop label Hades Records.

Infour years after Punct si de la capat, and after more than 20 months spent in the studio, Veritasaga is getting ready for the official debut, with the new album Cu alti ochi With different eyes. Carefully developed to the smallest detail, with a production and post-production at international standards, the track material promises to offer the listener a new perspective on this musical genre.

Inthe first Veritasaga album was released, Punct si de la capat Full stop. Recovery Password Recovery Password.

veritasaga zboara

Veritasaga is one of the most influential Hip-hop bands in Romania. Copy and share link. Veritasaga starts spending hundreds of hours in the studio, working on the new album, while inbetween attending numerous shows in Bucharest, Oradea, Timisoara, Constanta, Iasi, Piatra Neamt, Hunedoara, Craiova, Targoviste, Cluj.

veritasaga zboara

Despite the fact that it was an independent material, and sustained only by a listen and pass it on-type promotion, the album generated an impressive buzz and caught the attention of a large number of people. VeritaSaga Veritasaga is one of the most influential Hip-hop bands in Romania.

When inviting other artists on the album, Veritasaga has not limited itself only to Hip-hop MC's and DJ's, but has also invited on few tracks some of the most talented producers, vocalists and instrument players from electronica, soul, jazz and alternative. He recorded in a local studio in Australia for Cu alti ochi proving, once again, that distance is nothing in the way of passion!

I leave you the soil and a flower It's only your fault if it dies.

Read more on Last. Now, from the beginning. Cu alti ochi features guest appereances from: Veritasaga can't be heard, it's felt. Formed back in the late 90's by Praetor, Jhivago and Dribbler, Veritasaga began it's musical journey at a moment when the Romanian music industry was rather reluctant towards Hip-hop.

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InPraetor leaves the country, and Dj Sonia becomes an official member of the group. This is the only thing that i still believe in after four years of foolish work. One of the surprises and controversies of the album is the presence of Praetor who, contrary to the rumours, has not left the group when he left Romania. Please sign in Recovery Password Login.

19 - Veritasaga - Zboara ft Simina by Veritasaga | Veritas Saga | Free Listening on SoundCloud

As underground promotion means diversified, the Hip-hop public quickly transformed into a solid fan-base and, inevitably, Veritasaga made its mark as an important name zboafa Romanian Hip-hop movement. Having distinguished itself through an unprecedented sound - meditative, sad and melancholic, unusual for Hip-hop - Veritasaga quickly claimed an impressive number of fans, setting off a real stream in the Romanian underground. Login or Create account Save and share your playlist with your friends when you log in veritasata create an account.

veritasaga zboara

And so, own allowance-founded studio recording hours, pro-bono shows, various mixtape appearances, and numerous collaborations with underground artists followed

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